All RLC pilots are skilled and seasoned. We employ more than 85 FAA-licensed pilots, each averaging six years of flight experience and approximately 5,000 hours of flying time.

RLC pilots receive continuous, in-house, FAA-approved training to ensure they are well equipped to uphold our stringent performance standards. All new pilots go through recurrent training after six months – and then annually thereafter.

True to our Above and Beyond commitment, all RLC pilots are trained in customer service and are expected to build and maintain strong relationships with our customers.



• RLC employs approximately 85 FAA‐certificated pilots.

• Average over 6 years of flight experience in Gulf of Mexico operations.

• New pilots must have 1,000 hours total helicopter flight time with 500 hours of helicopter PIC time.

• All pilots receive continuous, in‐house, FAA approved training to ensure stringent performance standards.

• RLC employs a complete training staff comprised of maintenance and pilot instructors.

• 1000 hours helicopter flight time
• Commercial helicopter rating
• 2nd Class Medical Certificate

Initial Training
• 40 hours Computer Based Training
• 14 days ground school
• 2 days Simulator (Flight Training Device)
•  9 training flights plus check ride
•  OSHA Water Survival
• OSHA H2S Training

• 15 hours Computer Based Training
• Ground school
• Simulator (Flight Training Device) session
• Check Ride by RLC Check Airman
• Water Survival (every 3 years)
• OSHA H2S Training (annually)